a. Expertise refers to the practical knowledge acquired through experience. This is tacit knowledge and, therefore, cannot be protected by patent rights.

b. Confidential information relates to business information which you do not want to share with your customers or competitors or other people outside of your company.

c. Trade secrets refer to confidential or proprietary information of commercial value.

They are not covered by specific statutory provisions like other types of intellectua; property, although there could be aspects e.g. contract legislation or employment law relevant to a particular case. The level of protection assigned to trade secrets varies considerably from country to country. In Greece they are protected according to the provisions on unfair competition.


Domain Name & Social Media

Domain name we call the web address of a natural or legal person, which serves to certify the identity of a user who is active in e-commerce or wants to promote another activity (artistic, social, etc.). In Greece, the National Telecommunications and Post Commission (EETT) is responsible for assigning domain names ending in .gr .

The domain name is not a work and is not protected as such by copyright, as it usually lacks originality. However, the proprietor acquires the exclusive right to use the specific domain name as an email address and to prohibit the use of the same combination of words in every third party, without his consent. The domain name, as a distinctive feature of a certain business, is protected according to the provisions on unfair competition, and specifically with Law 146/1914 "On unfair competition" (Government Gazette BD 16.12.1913-27.1.1914). The same goes for the presence of a business on social media, such as the Facebook or Twitter platform.